2019.1.16 등산 오후 12:17 나의 유일한 동반자, 캐리 ! 나와 같이 동거한지가 8년이 된다. 내가 슬퍼서 눈물을 흘리면 두 발을 가슴팍에 올려 나의 눈물을 핥는다. 내가 죽으면 어떻게 살아 갈려나 ! I've grown old in a year, I am in this situation because I met a woman wrongly. She put me in a corner with a gruesome lie. 끔직한 Everything must be on the right track. I think I look a lot like my father. I will see my father soon. God has prepared all our meetings . He has prepa..